Until Election Day 2024

Meet Dr. Tiffini Andorful

Dr. Tiffini Andorful, a proud product of Prince George’s County Public Schools and a native Washingtonian, has dedicated her career to championing educational equity and collaborative, systemic transformation in cities across the country. Now, she’s returned to her hometown and is running for the Prince George’s County School Board in District 1, fueled by a deep desire to serve her community and secure a better future for her children and all students in the County.

Inspired to give back, Tiffini joined Teach for America as a high school social studies teacher at Ballou High School in Washington, DC. This experience ignited her passion for education and empowering Black and Brown families, leading her to further studies in teaching and education policy and roles in community organizing, educational technology, and nonprofit management. 

Tiffini’s expertise includes teaching, research, community engagement, and strategic partnerships, skills she has brought to leadership roles at Raise DC, CityBridge Education, and now Relay Graduate School of Education. Her volunteer experience, stemming from her youth and now her membership in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., has seen her support organizations such as Il Lyterati in Atlanta, Grip Outreach for Youth in Chicago, and IDEA Public Charter School in DC, where she served as a trustee board member and Academic Committee Chair.  

Tiffini became the first in her family to graduate college. She earned her BA in Sociology from Spelman College, an MAT in Secondary Education from American University, a Nonprofit Management Executive Certificate from Georgetown University, and a PhD in Cultural and Education Policy Studies from Loyola University Chicago. 

Dr. Andorful approaches her candidacy with a genuine desire to listen to the community and develop solutions that prioritize the needs of all students, teachers, school staff, and surrounding communities. With a son currently enrolled as a second grader in Prince George’s County Public Schools and a daughter soon following, Dr. Andorful's commitment to the county is deeply personal. She attributes her early success and current trajectory to the foundation laid in school and is eager to leverage her knowledge and skills for the betterment of the community. 

Dear Neighbor

As a Prince George’s Public Schools alum, former teacher, and now education equity advocate and PGCPS parent, I believe in giving back to the community that raised me. I have personally experienced the impact access to quality resources, great teachers, and access to different pathways after high school can have on students, and I am committed to paying it forward. 

I come from humble beginnings, growing up in Prince George’s County in Kent Village in Landover. I was privileged to grow up in a home with four generations of women. They encouraged me to do well in school because they were not afforded the same opportunities. I remember sitting at my great-grandmother’s feet, hearing stories of her long walks to school in the segregated south, watching my grandmother work as a janitor in Prince George’s County Public Schools, having only completed 8th grade in the south, and hearing my mother tell me stories of her time in DC Public schools. I stand on their shoulders and attribute my success to the support of these women, amazing teachers, and the educational opportunities I had along the way. I know that my story could be different – that’s why I’ve devoted my career to education.

I have championed educational equity across the country, and I know many barriers face our students and communities today. On the heels of the pandemic, our students, teachers, and school staff need more support than ever. Students struggle to access mental health support. Schools lack the funding to address student learning loss and well-being needs. Teachers and staff are leaving our schools at increasing rates due to low compensation, limited support, and a lack of flexibility. 

We can do better. We can work together to ensure that our schools have the resources they need, teachers and staff are fully supported, and each student has a clear path to success in college or career. Our students and our schools deserve it.

I am eager to meet you and hear about what our schools need so that our students, teachers, and community can thrive. I will work tirelessly to increase equity and find collaborative solutions for current and future generations of students and families in Prince George’s County. I hope I can count on your vote on May 14th to serve as your next School Board representative in District 1. 


    • Engage students, families, and school communities in determining what programs and services are most needed.

    • Equitably fund programs and services based on priorities set with the community.

    • Seek partnerships with public and private organizations to provide needed resources.

    • Offer equitable pay and benefits to current and new teachers and school staff.

    • Ensure access to professional development and school site support.

    • Establish innovative ways to attract and retain teachers in the district.

    • Increase awareness of different opportunities after high school.

    • Strengthen course and program offerings to align with college readiness and career pathways.

    • Grow partnerships that allow students to take advantage of internships, apprenticeships, and dual enrollment programs

    • Ensure students and staff have a safe environment to visit daily

    • Emphasize practices to build positive and inclusive school cultures

    • Improve the physical condition of school buildings

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